"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."
- Jane Goodall
So I'm out on the open road. Well not really, I'm in a Best Western with roomie Sarah and friend Lauren. We ate at t.g.i.Friday's and it was a splendidly mediocre meal. =] I like all of the fashion around these here parts (insert country accent here). It was three peoples birthdays at the restaurant, if they weren't all lying as we were planning to do. Some group was dressed up, while another group was a bit more punk rock. Then there were these two older women in my peripherals with denim jackets with colorful patches on them, dark lipstick, and nineties style platforms. It's fun to see how the area you live in affects your style. It makes me think of the movie "Napoleon Dynamite" and how it was set in present time yet all of the characters dressed as if it were 1984. I suppose not everyone is exposed tot he same idea of what is "trendy" and acceptable as fashionable. But to each their own right?
So I'm going to bed soon because we have to wake up bright and early to either make it to our hiking trail destination by sunrise or eat the free complimentary breakfast this hotel offers from 7-10. I'd rather eat, of course.I somehow managed to think of stylish hiking outfits, but I was thinking of comfort when i picked out floral leggings, I swear.
Also, I am breaking out my furry hat for the first time this season!
I read an article in Elle that discussed a DJ from England who likes the wear floral leggings with her tough timberland boots. I just happen to be trying this look while hiking.
So the hotel room window has very sheer curtains and it is sort of creepy. I hope i can sleep well so we can film and not be cranky tomorrow.
This is where we will be ...
How can we be cranky with this view?
The Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania
Sarah told me that there's this phenomenon where people have a strange urge to jump off!
I think I will be too happy/amazed to want to jump to my possible death
I want to leave you with a task.
Although we are doing this for a friends assignment, think about going on a road trip, with a few choice friends (this is not spring break) and bring a camera to film the entire time! It's going to be so fun to watch the footage at the end of this weekend so i suggest you try the same
Gaga would
Baci & abbracci!
love that led zeppelin shirt even though it's not what you were commenting on... i want more distressed rocker tees please!