Friday, May 13, 2011

"what are you going to prom?"

 You may be wondering why in this photo I look like I am about to spit food into my boyfriend's Iphone's face. I still had some delicious frozen yogurt in there, and he made me laugh, as usual.

dress, rings and earrings - H&M , shoes - BCBG , purse - Vintage

My inspiration for this outfit you ask? I was going for african-tribal woman meets beyonce meets kate bosworth. Is that over-reaching?

It was such a beautiful day yesterday! My boyfriend had been craving a good sandwhich for weeks now (so he said) so we took advantage of the sunshine and went to DiBruno brothers to grab a couple of sammys and ate in Rittenhouse square. SO FUN!

DiBruno's sandwiches are only about eight dollars, and they fill them to the brim with any delicious meats and cheeses that you'd like, as well as two sides (I got potato salad and beet salad, I'm a foodie nerd, sorry)
My point is it was a good deal for the money and quality.

We then walked to a couple of shops like salvation army and this head shop my BF just had to visit. I, being ID-less, had to wait downstairs while he perused the goods. tsk tsk.

Me being the fatass, figuratively speaking of course, that I am, had to get some frozen yogurt. It's a cheaper and healthier alternative to gelato.

Expect a post of me and my girlfriends tonight. We're going karaoke-ing!!!

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